Friday, 12 December 2014

Home Diesel Generator - When it Comes to Back-Up Power, the Home Diesel Generator is the Best Choice

The Home Diesel Generator is becoming the generator of choice for many discriminating buyers and there are a good number of reasons why. It's already known that diesel engines have a long life and low operating costs. When it comes to the home diesel generator, you can expect your unit to easily operate over 40,000 Hours.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Get Yourself a Diesel Generator As a Great Back Up Source of Electricity

There are a variety of used diesel generators available on the market. In order to secure the best and most cost-effective purchase, it is a good idea to search the online sites that are available offering used diesel generator for hire which can be bought at cheaper or discounted price. When buying a diesel powered generator, it is important to consider the purpose for which the generator will be used. This is important in calculating the required wattage to be used. This helps in narrowing down on the right kind of new or used diesel powered generator when buying, such as a small diesel generator or a portable diesel generator.

Friday, 5 December 2014

How to Choose Diesel Generators

Various models and designs of diesel generators are available to the private and business buyers. How then do you know, which one fits your needs the best? Yes, you can do some searching online, but it will take lots of time for somebody without a technical background. Also, you'll feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the sales pitch promulgated by online dealers of diesel generators. The main question you need to address is, what power consumption characterizes your place, as this will dictate what genset unit will you buy.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Benefits of Diesel Generators

Diesel generators have been in use since the last century. It has been above 100 years that diesel generators have been put to commercial usages in the industry. The primary purpose of the diesel generator is to extract the chemical energy of diesel and then convert it to kinetic energy. Since different forms of energy are transformable and inter-convertible, you can easily convert diesel energy into electrical energy through the principal of mutual-induction. Below we will take a look at some of the most common benefits of using diesel generators for commercial purposes.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Using A Power Generator To Power Different Events

Diesel and any other types of generators are most commonly disasters and power outages. Used mainly to ensure there is electricity and keeping food chilled and frozen during power outages and in many other circumstances. It understandable to find many homes across the world who have a portable generator at hand, at all times for this very reason.

But generators have many more applications. They are used to help power events and are used by a large amount of local and global business. This also includes schools and hospitals that use them as a form of standby and backup power source. In the event of any power outage and as a source of additional power when required.

Here's are different events that can put generators to further use:

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Tips For A First Time Generator Buyer

If you're experiencing frequent power outages in your home, you may be thinking about buying or leasing a generator. Having a generator means that, when your main electricity supply fails, you'll still have enough power to light your home, run your refrigerator and turn on your television - depending on the type of generator you utilise.
However, if you've never bought or rented a generator before, it can be a daunting experience. Buying one can be a considerable outlay, and while renting one may consolidate the expense into manageable monthly sums, there's still a lot of pressure to choose the right model that will provide your home with the power you need. So what exactly do you need to look out for when choosing a generator?

Saturday, 15 November 2014

What to Look for When You Go to a Shop Where There Are Diesel Generators for Sale

In case the need arises for you to buy a diesel generator, the best thing is to visit a shop where there are diesel generators for sale. You will find generators that have different capacities and also ones that belong to different makes. Therefore, choosing one out of the lot is not an easy task. In order to buy the right one, you need to know your requirements perfectly well. You may buy it to provide power to your tent when you go on hunting trips. Also, it could be bought to provide emergency power supply to your home. Whatever the need could be, it is necessary to consider a few factors when you buy your generator.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Diesel Generator - Is It Better Than Gas?

Many like me have asked, is a Diesel Generator a good investment for my home or business? Well that depends actually. Typically people will depend on these generators as an emergency power-supply in the event the main power supply fails.
So is it efficient? Before we could answer that question you need to understand what are the pros and cons of a generator run on diesel fuel.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Ten Tips on How to Save Power and Money

Are you on a tight budget? Are you one of those people who come with a long list of billing payments? Isn't it stressing to think of ways on how to keep the budget enough. Men and women alike think and look for ways on how to be able to save money. One thing that is sure to come to mind is to save power.
Saving power means saving money, right? Keeping those electric and other utility bills low will surely keep you out of debt, out of worries and out of trouble. The problem that comes to mind now is how to do this. Saving on power is essentially easy. There are many ways on how one will be able to save power.
Here are some of the most useful tips on saving power.
1. One is to keep those lights off especially when you are not around. Appliances left on standby or even when left alone plugged still use up electricity. Some of the most common gadgets that are sure to utilize energy are cellular phone chargers, electric fans, PC regulators and stereos or TV's.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

What to Do When Facing an Energy Crisis - How to Save Power at Home

When we were at school we learned about the different types of energy, both renewable and non-renewable. What we did not look at then, was how fast the non-renewable energy sources were being depleted. It is now well advertised that the world faces ongoing energy crises and this will affect energy usage globally and individually, not one person will be unaffected in one way or another.
Is this something we should leave to our governments to resolve or are there things that we as individuals can do to save power?
The simple answer is a resounding, "Yes, we can!"
Here are some ways that anyone can do to save power at home:
Lighting: There are special light bulbs that save power by using less to produce the same intensity of light called compact fluorescent light (CFL). If you use these as much as you can, you can save a significant amount of power. Even though these bulbs are more expensive initially, they are more cost-effective over time.

Monday, 27 October 2014

How to Save Power at Your Home

Have you ever received your power bill & thought "what the heck happened here?!" or "who used all this power?!" I have. Gone are the days of when power was about 10c per Kw/h & your bill was a couple of hundred dollars. Depending on where you live, you might have peak, off peak, summer tariffs etc. & it's a bit confusing how the utility company actually calculates your bill in the end. Well you know what? I detest 'donating' money to utility companies. One of my pet hates. I prefer to save power. They rake in millions of your hard earned dollars every year & at times when you most need it, there's blackouts in summer & it's 100 degrees in the shade! Or there may be 'brownouts' when you're working on your PC or taping a TV show & it's ruined what you were doing as your screen flickered off for a second. "Increasing burden on our infrastructure" they say, "the population explosion creates a high demand on resources" sprouts the government. It's time to fight back! Stop 'donating'!
Some of these tips are SO obvious but do you reckon your kids know to save power?...or practise them?
Probably not. Train them too.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Can Solar Energy Play Significant Role in Indian Energy Sector?

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Solar Roadway Lights Up & Feeds Energy Grid

Post by Urbanist, filed underneath Conceptual & Futuristic in the Technology class.
At present in crowdfunding, these hexagonal pavers can give energy, melt accumulated snow and ice, light up with LEDs, all while being difficult ample to support trucks weighing 250,000 lbs.

Created by American electrical engineer Scott Brusaw to function everywhere from roads, parking lots and driveways to sidewalks, bike paths and playgrounds, you can stroll, drive or park on these hexagrams with ease. They have been extensively tested for load-bearing capability as nicely as traction and impact resistance.
Read more:

Monday, 19 May 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Power

Many of us know that solar energy is a good thing, but few really understand why. Therefore, I compiled a comprehensive list of solar energy advantages and disadvantages that will enable you to make an educated decision whether on not Solar Power is right for YOU.
Solar Energy Advantages
1. Saves you money
  • After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE.
  • The recovery/ payback period for this investment can be very short depending on how much electricity your household uses.
  • Financial incentives are available form the government that will reduce your cost.
  • If your system produce more energy than you use, your utility company can buy it from you, building up a credit on your account! This is called net metering.
  • It will save you money on your electricity bill if you have one at all.
  • Solar energy does not require any fuel.
  • It's not affected by the supply and demand of fuel and is therefore not subjected to the ever-increasing price of gasoline.
  • The savings are immediate and for many years to come.
  • The use of solar energy indirectly reduces health costs.

2. Environmentally friendly
  • Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our environment.
  • It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generations does.
  • Therefore Solar Energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or smog.
  • It actively contributes to the decrease of harmful green house gas emissions.
  • It's generated where it is needed.
  • By not using any fuel, Solar Energy does not contribute to the cost and problems of the recovery and transportation of fuel or the storage of radioactive waste.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Tips to Control Your Electric Bills

These are the tips to control your electric bills.
You all know about these tips, but these small things can make a huge electric bill. 
So try these and 
Save Money, Save Power and Save Earth.

Energy Saving Tips

Friday, 9 May 2014

Why Silent Diesel Generators are Beneficial?

Are you going to buy a diesel generator? Think why? For business or home?
There are too many things to consider when you are going to buy a generator.
The first and most important is requirement. Calculate all the power for which you are buying generator.  Check the on grid power availability in the locality. If power is too much cut off then all your needs depend on the generator so you need more powerful generator.
Generators provide power backup for your home and business so choose wisely and buy generator from a reputed company.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Save Energy - Use Energy Saving Lights

Latest Models of Mahindra Powerol Diesel Generators

Solar Street Light in Jammu and Kasmir

Home Decoration - Recycle Plastic Bottles - DIY

Solar Water Heater in Gurgaon

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

I Think These Lighting Products are Awesome.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Spread Lights

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Beautiful Lights at Night

Solar Project in #Varanasi

Wonderful Decoration of Gate

Which One is Faster - Light or Darkness

Friday, 18 April 2014

Wishing all a blessed Good Friday

Darkness cannot drive out darkness

Be A Part of Solar Energy

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Buy Mahindra Powerol Genset in this summer

Welcome Summer with Mahindra Powerol Silent Diesel Generator


Friday, 4 April 2014

Monday, 31 March 2014

Solar Energy Quote

I'd put my money on the Sun and Solar Energy, what a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out, before we tackle that."
: Thomas Edison

Go Solar, Contact us:

Saturday, 29 March 2014


“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” 
― Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Friday, 28 March 2014

Why They not Use Solar Energy?

"I have no doubt that we will be successful in harnessing the sun's energy. If sunbeams were weapons of war, we would have had solar energy centuries ago."
-George Porter

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Neat and Clean Energy Resources – Solar Energy

Renewable energy is well known for its neat and clean behavior, pollution free and never ending resources. Renewable energy is the energy whose resources are renew naturally like solar, wind, tidal etc. Renewable energy resources are located in different geographical areas.

Benefits of Renewable Energy-
1. No negative effect on environment.
2. No global warming.
3. Decrease dependability on fossil fuels.
4. Protection of air, land and water.
5. Never ending energy supply.
6. More reliable than other resources.

Uses of Renewable Energy- 
1. Electricity generation for industrial and domestic use
2. Solar water heating.
3. Biofuels as  transport fuel
4. Solar charged electric vehicles.
5. Solar Energy

Friday, 21 March 2014

DG Sets – Useful in Power Failure

Diesel generators are very popular everywhere because of its usability. These DG sets are very useful where power failure frequently occurs. Today Power generators are used in industries like factories, hospitals, hotels and also used in household purposes.

What are the Advantages of Diesel Generators?
If there is no power backup plan for your industry or business, then this may create problems like immediate shutdown of machines.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

First Post - About Power Generation

Hello Friends,


I have created this blog to tell you about energy crisis. As we are fully dependable upon the energy like electric. Electric made our life so much comfortable and joyful.

But we need to remember that most of the energy resources are limited like petroleum, Coal and Nuclear Power. So we need to use natural resources of power like Solar, Wind and Tidal.

We are here to discuss about all these techniques and tips.
