Friday, 31 October 2014

Ten Tips on How to Save Power and Money

Are you on a tight budget? Are you one of those people who come with a long list of billing payments? Isn't it stressing to think of ways on how to keep the budget enough. Men and women alike think and look for ways on how to be able to save money. One thing that is sure to come to mind is to save power.
Saving power means saving money, right? Keeping those electric and other utility bills low will surely keep you out of debt, out of worries and out of trouble. The problem that comes to mind now is how to do this. Saving on power is essentially easy. There are many ways on how one will be able to save power.
Here are some of the most useful tips on saving power.
1. One is to keep those lights off especially when you are not around. Appliances left on standby or even when left alone plugged still use up electricity. Some of the most common gadgets that are sure to utilize energy are cellular phone chargers, electric fans, PC regulators and stereos or TV's.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

What to Do When Facing an Energy Crisis - How to Save Power at Home

When we were at school we learned about the different types of energy, both renewable and non-renewable. What we did not look at then, was how fast the non-renewable energy sources were being depleted. It is now well advertised that the world faces ongoing energy crises and this will affect energy usage globally and individually, not one person will be unaffected in one way or another.
Is this something we should leave to our governments to resolve or are there things that we as individuals can do to save power?
The simple answer is a resounding, "Yes, we can!"
Here are some ways that anyone can do to save power at home:
Lighting: There are special light bulbs that save power by using less to produce the same intensity of light called compact fluorescent light (CFL). If you use these as much as you can, you can save a significant amount of power. Even though these bulbs are more expensive initially, they are more cost-effective over time.

Monday, 27 October 2014

How to Save Power at Your Home

Have you ever received your power bill & thought "what the heck happened here?!" or "who used all this power?!" I have. Gone are the days of when power was about 10c per Kw/h & your bill was a couple of hundred dollars. Depending on where you live, you might have peak, off peak, summer tariffs etc. & it's a bit confusing how the utility company actually calculates your bill in the end. Well you know what? I detest 'donating' money to utility companies. One of my pet hates. I prefer to save power. They rake in millions of your hard earned dollars every year & at times when you most need it, there's blackouts in summer & it's 100 degrees in the shade! Or there may be 'brownouts' when you're working on your PC or taping a TV show & it's ruined what you were doing as your screen flickered off for a second. "Increasing burden on our infrastructure" they say, "the population explosion creates a high demand on resources" sprouts the government. It's time to fight back! Stop 'donating'!
Some of these tips are SO obvious but do you reckon your kids know to save power?...or practise them?
Probably not. Train them too.